Get ahead on your financial goals, with some smart summer reads.

Chick lit and murder mysteries make great beach reads, but who’s to say we can’t brush up on money matters while we soak up the sun? After all, every time of year is the right time to learn financial responsibility. To help, we’ve curated a list of the best books and blogs to check out this summer. Nothing boring and all helpful, we promise.

Money Rules by Jean Chatzky

Author Jean Chatzky is the financial editor of NBC’s TODAY show and an award-winning personal finance journalist. Her book of 90 wealth-building rules are incredibly simple, spanning spending, saving, investing, increasing income, and protecting assets. Some favorites include carry bigger bills so you’re less likely to spend and don’t invest in anything you can’t explain. If you prefer to listen, check out the HerMoney with Jean Chatzky podcast.  

Get Rich Slowly

The opposite of a scam, the Get Rich Slowly blog is all about learning how to earn financial success over time. J.D. Roth started the blog in 2006 as a way to share his personal journey out of $35,000 debt. Roth has since learned to save and invest wisely and is currently enjoying early retirement. Reading his posts will inspire you to follow a similar path.

The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack

Everyone has time to read a few flashcards. At least that’s what award-winning journalist Helaine Olen and University of Chicago professor Harold Pollack hope. They wrote this easy-to-digest book to prove that money matters aren’t as complicated as financial experts make them seem. Each chapter breaks down one of their 10 essential personal finance rules, like pay your credit card balance in full every month.

Budgets are $exy

As its name suggests, the Budgets are $exy blog makes personal finance fun. The site’s creator uses the pseudonym J. Money, appealing to a hip crowd of savers and spenders. J. Money shares his experience, as well as provides free tools and templates to help you manage your own budget. You just have to look past (or enjoy) the frequent grammatical errors and occasional curse word.

You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth by Jen Sincero

After her self-help book about becoming confident and living an awesome life became a bestseller, Jen Sincero penned this book about becoming financially great. In her own humorous way, she guides readers through a series of financial habits they should break before introducing concepts to help you improve the way you manage your money.  You’ll laugh. You’ll roll your eyes. You’ll get embarrassed by mistakes you’ve both made. By the end, you’ll know how to live the badass life you know you should.

Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?: 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By by Cary Siegel

When you’re filling out employment forms and filing your taxes, do you ever wonder why there wasn’t a college class about how to become an adult? Author Cary Siegel’s kids certainly needed it. Their financial ignorance inspired him to write this book about the basics. In less than 200 pages, he highlights 99 philosophies that even a high school student can understand. Think living below your means and building a budget.

Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

A classic in the realm of personal finance, Your Money or Your Life helps readers transform their relationship with money and earn financial independence. The book explores the relationship between time and money to encourage more mindful and meaningful spending. It’s a great read for anyone needs to get their priorities in order. Fully updated for 2018 readers, everyone should read it at least once.


Canadian blogger Kerry Taylor started an email newsletter for her friends that were struggling with basic savings strategies and other fiscal responsibilities. Now, she shares free budgeting spreadsheets, debt reduction calculators, and meal planning guides with millions of followers. Her blog feels very lifestyle, and she injects her personality into her writing – whether it’s about reducing debt, buying real estate, or behavioral finance. Taylor’s book, 397 Ways to Save Money, is another great resource for those working toward financial fitness.

The Elements of Investing: Easy Lessons for Every Investor by Charles Ellis and Burton Malkiel

Turning money into more money sounds like alchemy, but Ellis’s and Malkiel’s book will help you turn your income dreams into reality with the right investments and savings techniques. It’s a pocket guide, with about 100 pages, geared toward the average American looking to invest in a variety of markets. The authors will illustrate important market lessons, like how to focus on the long-term and what it means to be a market ”winner.” The advice is clear and the methods are tested.

Money Crashers

Ever wanted to flip a house? Need to know whether a new job is worth a pay cut? Want help weeding out all the bad credit cards out there? Money Crashers is the place to go. The blog provides sensible advice for those at every age and stage. The tone is conversational, but the topics are serious. Money Crashers principles include spending less than you and saving money for the unexpected.

Everyone has to start somewhere. No matter what stage of life and savings you’re at, one of these books or blogs can help you realize your financial potential this summer. Finished everything on the list? Next, dive into our roundup of top books for homeowners.

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